Do adult ferns get to decide the sex of the younger ferns? Makoto Matsuoka, a molecular biologist at Nagoya University in Japan, led a study of Japanese climbing ferns and found out that these ferns…
A group of astronomers has analyzed telescope data collected over 12 years and found a signal that could be the first ever detection of dark matter. The dark matter supposedly comprises 85% of all…
A study conducted by a researcher suggests that the lifespan of a person is partly determined by the mitochondrial mutations he/she may inherit from the mother. These mutations can shorten the…
Everything you need to know to submit to the European Heart Journal.
Could water have been one of the planet-forming materials in the Solar System? Ilsedore Cleeves, an astrochemist conducted a study wherein she created a model that replicates the conditions in the…
In this 3-minute video, Dr. Leslie Citrome explains why it is important for the author to promote the acceptance of his/her paper among the research community, what is the best time for research…
Would a human traveling in a high-speed rocket age slower than a human on Earth? An international group of scientists collaborated over 15 years to prove this phenomenon, which Einstein termed ‘time…
In this 7-minute video, Dr. Leslie Citrome gives valuable advice on what authors can do to ensure that their manuscript goes smoothly through the peer review process, what they should include in the…
A joint team headed by Eran Segal and Eran Elinav of the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot led a study that found links between the use of sugar substitutes such as saccharine and obesity. It…
A group of researchers has developed a device that acts like the spleen to rid the body of infection and toxins. The artificial ‘biospleen’ uses a modified version of mannose-binding lectin (MBL).…