Biocontainment measures form a vital aspect of genetic engineering. Two US teams have independently created genetically modified bacteria whose survival depends on an amino acid that does not occur…
Editage announced its commitment to providing a seamless manuscript submission experience for authors by becoming the first to adopt Aries’ manuscript “ingest” functionality for Editorial Manager (EM…
Quick facts about the journal Nature Materials. 
Quick facts about the journal Social Forces 
An international group of astronomers has made a significant discovery using NASA’s Keplar spacecraft. Three planets that are just a little bigger than Earth have been spotted orbiting an M-dwarf …
A group of neuroscientists has developed a technique of making living cells and tissues bigger, which could enable biologists to image an entire brain in molecular detail using an ordinary microscope…
Non-native speakers of English often find it very difficult to paraphrase or summarize English text using their own words. This is one reason why many non-English speaking authors are unable to clear…
A team led by Kim Lewis of Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts, has discovered a new class of antibiotic, which they have named teixobactin. The antibiotic acts against the deadly…
What can happen to a scientific research manuscript after it has been queued up for peer review? What are the peer review decisions authors need to be prepared for? This infographic outlines the…