A team of researchers from the USC Leonard Davis School of Gerontology has discovered a new hormone “MOTS-c,” a mitochondrial-derived peptide hormone that imitates the effects commonly associated…
Dr. Robert Davey, a virologist in the Department of Immunology and Virology at Texas Biomedical Research Institute, and his team focused their research on the mechanism by which Ebola virus infects a…
Editage, a global scientific communication services provider, and Canadian Science Publishing (CSP), a not-for-profit publisher, announced the start of a co-branded editorial services portal…
A scientific manuscript should be clear, objective, and bias-free. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that authors are aware of the nuances of words related to gender, race, ethnicity, etc. In this…
The value of research lies in how it benefits society. However, for scientific research to make a difference to society, the public need access to research and should be involved with science. This…
Chemicals known as emulsifiers are commonly added in most processed foods to enhance the foods' texture. Emulsifiers are considered safe but read on to find out what an immunologist at Georgia State…
A team of Japanese researchers found an unusual community of bacteria thriving in the canyon called Challenger Deep. The microscopic bacteria are called heterotrophs, and cannot produce their own…
Douglas E. Brash, clinical professor of therapeutic radiology and dermatology at Yale School of Medical, and his colleagues discovered that skin damage from ultraviolet radiation (UV) continues hours…
Researchers have been attempting to find ways to make humans immune to the HIV virus. Now, viral immunologist Michael Farzan of the Scripps Research Institute in Jupiter, Florida, and his team have…
This video explains the purpose of an Abstract and provides some useful tips to help you write the most effective Abstract for your paper.