Did you know that you can avoid some of the most common reasons for journal rejection by paying attention to a few details while writing and submitting your research manuscript to the journal? This…
Some of you would agree that staying on top of the happenings in the scholarly world this month was no mean feat! To ensure that you didn’t miss out on any of the buzz, our team of editors has…
How can more scholars and journals embrace preprints to make research freely accessible? How are new uses of preprint servers changing the academic publishing landscape? This post 
Today is the start of the International Open Access Week (also known as OA Week), an annual event organized by the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) for the global…
To understand behavioral responses of animals to fast and slow rise in temperature, researchers at the University of California - Santa Barbara conducted a study on fruit fly larvae. They found that…
Researchers at the University of Nottingham conducted a study that found that high levels of cortisol, also known as the 'stress hormone', in the hair of women who were undergoing in vitro…
Many people use Internet or app-based symptom checkers to make self-diagnosis. To understand whether physicians are better at making diagnoses than symptom checkers, researchers at Harvard Medical…
We’re here, with our list of the most interesting discussions of the month, handpicked by our editors. Besides Peer Review Week, which was highlight of the month, there were exchanges around Elsevier…
Cosmologists’ standard model of the universe assumes that the universe expands identically in all directions. A team of researchers at the University College London and Imperial College London proved…
Sucralose is the choice of no-calorie sweetener for those who wish to keep their weight in check. However, many people have raised questions about how safe it is to consume sucralose and whether it…