Can you imagine 3-D printed ovaries that can produce offspring? Researchers at the Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine and McCormick School of Engineering have made this possible by…
Harsh Bais, a botanist at the University of Delaware, and a high school student collaborated to understand how plants behave when they feel threatened. They studied about a thousand Arabidopsis…
Two years back, the Ebola virus had affected large populations in West Africa. It is known that the Ebola virus tends to stay alive in some parts of the body such as the eyes, brain, and spinal cord…
Rice and rice-based products are commonly given to babies who have been weaned of breast milk as well as young children under the age of five. However, rice has inorganic arsenic that is ten times…
Researchers detect melanoma or skin cancer by selecting homogenous cells that are of uniform size and shape as these are easier to detect any irregularities. However, there is a risk of misdiagnosis…
The month of April was perhaps the most exciting time for academics around the world as several hundred researchers and supporters of science participated in the March for Science. While this…
While it is known that a large bulk of the mass of our galaxy lies in the dark matter i.e. matter that does not emit any electromagnetic radiation of any kind, until now it has been difficult to…
In March 2017, Nobuko Miyairi, who is the former Regional Director for Asia Pacific region at ORCID visited the Editage office in Mumbai, India. This is a conversation with her and the Editage…
How did the building blocks of life find their way to Earth? According to a theory, amino acids were present in the space and were brought to Earth due to the impact of comets. Researchers at Ruhr-…
The ethics governing research in Traditional Medicine (TM) has been subject to substantial debate. The controversies have generally revolved around the unreasonable harvesting of medicinal plants,…