[This video was originally published by Steve Kirk on YouTube and has been republished here.] Watch this video to learn some great tips and tricks to write your results in a compelling way.
[This video was originally published by jbstatistics on YouTube and has been republished here.] Does the concept of p-value confuse you? P-value is the measure of the strength of the evidence with…
[This video was originally published by Australian Council For International Developement (ACFID) on YouTube and has been republished here.] Ethical principles and guidelines form an indivisible part…
[This video was originally published by Patricia Morton on YouTube and has been republished here.] Authorship in a scholarly publication can be a rather confusing concept, especially for early career…
[This video was originally published by UTMLibrary on YouTube and has been republished here.] Do you know the difference between a reference and a citation? Watch this video as it takes you through…
[This video was originally published by libncsu on YouTube and has been republished here.] This video explains the peer review process while demonstrating the entire publication process in a simple…
[This video was originally published by Henry Bwisa on YouTube and has been republished here.] Have you decided on your research question? If yes, your next step would be to articulate it in the form…
Hasn’t July been a busy month on the scholarly communication and academic publishing front? We know it may not have been easy to catch up with all the happenings. From discussions about gender…
Plagiarism is presenting someone else's work as your own and is considered absolutely wrong. Plagiarism can be interntional as well as intentional. Take a look at this inforgraohic as it debunks the…
Imagine that you have working tirelessly on a grant proposal keeping all the other work aside, and sent the proposal with a lot of hope. And then you are communicated that your proposal was rejected…