This infographic offers some tips to foster a successful partnership with a biostatistician to significantly enhance the quality and impact of your research.
In this video, learn how to create the perfect abstract for your research paper and strike the perfect balance between brevity and information, and capture the essence of your research while enticing…
This video talks about the pivotal role images play in conveying scientific discoveries, while also addressing the ethical pitfalls that can arise.
Sharing data in an open repository increases a study’s transparency, allowing other researchers to validate and reproduce the findings. As a result, open access to datasets promotes scientific…
This post highlights how a well-prepared background section can greatly impact the overall success of a study.
In this article, we will explore practical techniques designed specifically for medical researchers to overcome writer's block and boost their productivity in crafting high-quality medical journal…
In this listicle, we have compiled nine legitimate methods to access research literature without having to pay out of your own pocket.
Peer Review Week 2023 (September 25-29) is back this year promises to be even more thrilling as we explore the captivating theme of "Peer Review and the Future of Publishing"! 
The dominance of English language presents unique challenges for non-native English speakers who are part of the global academic community. This post explores some of those challenges and how they…
The trend towards APCs has seen a sharp increase in recent years. his shift in the cost burden from university libraries to individual research groups has raised concerns about the sustainability of…