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Editage Insights completes five years today, on November 12, 2018. And we have several exciting activities planned for you. Here’s what you can expect during our anniversary month!

Is peer review really effective? The case of 120 withdrawn papers

Peer review is perceived as one of the mainstays of scientific publishing. Papers that undergo the peer review process are held in high esteem since the quality of…

Sneha Kulkarni, Senior Writer & Editor, Editage Insights, attended the 39th Annual Meeting of Society for Scholarly Publishing held in Boston, Massachusetts, from…

A cover letter introduces your submission to the target journal’s editors and gives them a brief overview of its contents and major details. As such, your cover letter…

What reservations do authors have towards using open access journals? How do open access journals manage peer review quality? In this second segment of her interview, Dr. Caroline Sutton, active…
Dr. Tida Ge holds a BSc in Soil and Plant Nutrition from Huazhong Agricultural University, China; an MSc in Crop Cultivation and Farming from Qingdao Agricultural University, China; and a PhD in…

Has econometrics taught in classes kept pace with its application? Is a paradigm shift needed? Angrist and Pischke’s (2017) “Undergraduate econometrics instruction:…

The 44th annual meeting of the Society for Scholarly Publishing concluded on June 3, 2022, in Chicago, USA. This article talks about some of the key topics the event covered.