Will Sci-Hub change the face of academic publishing forever?

Should access to academic research be free? In the past year, this seemingly moral issue took a legal twist with Elsevier suing the founder of Sci-Hub. This website…

This video talks about some of the best tools to make your systematic literature process fast and accurate. The speaker of the video is Karel Patrek, who has a D. Phil. degree for his thesis on…

In the face of growing distrust of science and facts, and the erosion of editorial quality by dishonest online publishers, credible journals must be increasingly…

The London Book Fair (LBF), which is now in its 45th year, will take place from 12-14 April 2016. This event is an amalgamation of readers, writers, publishers, and…

The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has decided to reverse net neutrality in the country. This means that going forward, Internet service providers can…

How to communicate with the journal editor

Correspondence with authors is an important activity in the day-to-day work of editors. The exchange of information and ideas facilitates the publication process from…

Richard Wayne from Aries in conversation with Editage Insights
Richard Wynne, Vice President, Editorial Manager (Aries Systems Corporation)

Richard Wynne has been with Aries Systems Corporation since January 1999, and has played a major role in the development…

Donald Trump’s administration has issued this memo and its contents are vital in understanding where the U.S. government is headed. The memo, which has been written…

November 29, 2023, 14:00 PM - 15:00 PM UTC

Ian Stoneham is Publisher at The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) and handles the IET’s portfolio of research and rapid communication journals and academic books, which includes 27…