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A quick overview of the submission requirements and author instructions of the journal Epidemiologic Reviews.

It’s that time again, when all eyes and ears are turned towards the most important announcements of the year – the Nobel Prizes. Let’s take a look at this year’s Nobel…

When talking about the state of innovation in the scholarly communications industry, it is pertinent to mention that the researcher life cycle continues to be bookended by sameness. This article…

A consortium of 300 South Korean universities and college libraries has reached an agreement with publishing giant Elsevier after long negotiations and a series of…

ChatGPT, an AI chatbot released by tech company OpenAI is making immense foray in academia. The authorship of research papers and preprints are being credited to the chatbot, sparking reactions…

Cactus Communications announced the launch of, a platform that not only offers researchers access to the latest research and information on COVID-19 but also allows them to…

Should ghost writers be given credit for their work or eliminated from science?

Ghost authorship has been one of the persistent problems in medical writing, which this article discusses in detail. 

Not all journals allow more than one corresponding author for a single study, but sometimes the research team needs a co-corresponding author. Authors need to keep this in mind if they wish to have two corresponding authors for a paper.

With collaboration and mobility becoming the norm in research, there are cases where a manuscript might have more than one corresponding author. Do journals allow this…

why you should not try to increase your publication count by salami slicing a single study into multiple papers

The pressure to publish or perish can make authors desperate to increase their publication count. However, being tempted to divide a single study and publish it as…

Expert advice on reading scientific literature as a habit

Literature reading is critical to scientific research because this habit will generate a sense of appreciation and passion for science. Read this article for expert…