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This post lists some valuable tips and tricks to optimize reviewing a copyedited manuscript.

How to make Web searches more precise

Tired of all those irrelevant hits you get when you search for a term in an online search engine? In this post, I'll share three simple yet effective ways to ensure…

DOAJ takes steps to keep predatory publishers at bay

The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), a website that lists open access journals, has announced that all the journals listed in their directory will need to…

Success in academia is increasingly tied to public engagement, and scientists have to engage with the media to promote their research and explain its significance to the public. This online…

Earlier this month, a district court in Virginia sided with the publisher American Chemical Society (ACS) that had filed a suit against Sci-Hub for copyright…

Since post-acceptance copyediting is usually the last stage in the publication cycle, it provides an opportunity to identify and rectify any language-related errors or inconsistencies, ensuring…

I finally finished the corrections to my final draft and got the thumbs up from my supervisor. Every postgrad student will agree - this is a really painful experience.…

Quick facts about the journal Social Forces 

This post provides essential information for those planning to submit a research paper to the journal Applied Ergonomics.