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Do you know what academics were talking about in 2019 on Twitter? Learn more about the most thought-provoking discussion around mental health, struggles in academia, kindness,…

Effective use of tables and figures in a scientific manuscript

Tables and figures are used in research papers to effectively present detailed results and complex relationships, reduce the length of the manuscript, and enhance…

Authorship: An evolving concept

The role and definition of authorship in scientific and medical publishing has become increasingly complicated in recent years. With a proliferation of collaboration…

Are you tired of struggling to communicate your research to your audience? This post explains in detail how to use two popular methods for visually conveying information - infographics and…

In the first part of this interview series, Dr. Hammersley shares the basic features of Overleaf, a cloud-based collaborative writing and publishing platform that…

Accidental hyphens are those that occur at the end of a line of text and signal that the last word in the line is incomplete.

Hyphens are of two kinds, accidental and intentional.


Attempting to use the ideas, words, or work of another person, without giving them due credit, is known as plagiarism and is considered extremely unethical in academic…