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scope and delimitations

A published paper is not the end, but a means to the larger picture – the actual research itself – which is broader in scope than the paper. This post talks about the…

The British Journal of Anaesthesia published a research with two conclusions as part of an extraordinary peer review trial with a view to broaden the scope of reproducibility of results. Experts…

Common errors in scientific representation of numbers and units of measurement

Mistakes in representing numbers and units of measurement can leave scope for misinterpretation of your data. This article will help you understand the common mistakes in scientific representation…

Identifying target journals for studies with overlapping subject areas: A case study

With the global increase in specialized research disciplines and collaborative research, interdisciplinary studies or those with overlapping subject areas are becoming…

A cover letter introduces your submission to the target journal’s editors and gives them a brief overview of its contents and major details. As such, your cover letter…