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I was back to the initial situation; none of my advisors believed in me. But I learnt that you need only one person to believe in what you do and that person is you. Eventually, luck comes to…

With a definitive shift towards open access in the academic publishing landscape, journals and publishers are providing more avenues for open access publishing. Mirror journals are one of the…

Rapid publication can benefit authors, journals, and publishers in many ways. Learn more.

The conventional pre-publication peer review process is time-consuming and may not be favorable to all scientific disciplines. Some journals and publishers offer rapid publication to help authors…

Do you want to become a peer reviewer for a journal? Do you know the kinds of questions peer reviewers ask and the best practices peer reviewers follow when reviewing…

Publishers, governments, and learned societies the world over are faced with the intractable issue of academic corruption. A recently published article highlights some…

With the evolving nature of the scholarly landscape, researchers now have access to many different tools to manage different aspects and stages of their workflow and communication. This article …

In collaboration with researchers in the USA and New Zealand, Dongguk University’s Professor Yung Kyun Choi has identified what influences young Koreans to share advertisements (ads) on social…

Jon Tennant completed his PhD from the Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College London. His research focused on patterns of biodiversity and extinction in deep time and the…