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scope and delimitations

Choosing the best regression method depends on several factors, including the nature of your data, the relationship between variables, and the assumptions of the regression models. Here are some…

Multiple submissions to the same journal

One of the many questions regarding journal choice that prolific young researchers face these days is this: Is it better to submit two or more papers to the same…

Academy of Management Journal

Learn about the Academy of Management Journal in this brief profile of key facts, requirements, and suggested links. 

Organization Science journal

Learn about the journal Organization Science in this brief profile of key facts, requirements, and suggested links.

European Heart Journal

Everything you need to know to submit to the European Heart Journal.

Is reviewers' demand for more experiments justified?

It takes several months to years for a researcher to publish a paper. A commonly cited reason for delayed publication is that the peer reviewers often recommend that…

The social sciences are often considered irrelevant as a field of study in India. So, when I decided to pursue the social sciences after completing my secondary…

This post offers important information and submission tips to prospective contributors to the Korean Journal of Pediatrics.

This case study taken from The Evolution of Impact Indicators: From bibliometrics to altmetrics, a free ebook co-produced by Scholastica and Altmetric, explains how a…

Provides concise information to potential contributors to the journal Neurosurgery.