Q: Can you suggest an open access journal with no publication fees for my paper?

Detailed Question -

I am preparing an article manuscript on the insects of cocoa agroecosystems and I would like to publish it in an open access journal that doesn't require any publication charges.

4 Answers to this question

The Diretory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) has a complete list of open access journals. You can run a search by subject and then check each individual website for the author fees, commonly known as article processing charges (APCs). Most open access journals have APCs, but the charges may vary. While it is high for some journals, it may be nominal for some others. There are very few open access journals that don't charge a publication fee. Journals published by scholarly/professional societies or not-for-profit publishers such as Wolters Kluwer might satisfy this criteria. Additionally, some open access journals waive off the charges if you explain your problem to them and apply for a full or partial APC waiver at the time of submission.

Make sure that you choose a journal only after thoroughly reviewing the information about the journal/publisher and evaluating the extent to which it is suited to the scope of your research. 

Recommended reading:

Answer: Proceedings of the Nature Research Society is an Open Access Journal which doesn't charge publication fee. You may visit it at https://nrs.org/journal/pnrs.



The website https://noapc.com lists all open access journals that publish without any Publication fees. 

Moreover, all the listed journals on the website are Scopus / Web of Science indexed.