Q: Can I submit my supplemental data to Elsevier's journal "Data in Brief"?

Detailed Question -

I have submitted my paper to a medical journal belonging to Elsevier, and received the decision "Resubmission required." At the same time, the journal also recommended an option to submit the supplemental data to Data in Brief. I understand  Data in Brief is a data journal.

Is this a standard practice ? That is, is it a norm for a journal to recommend submission to a data journal? I think it would be a duplicate submission when the contents submitted to a data journal is similar to an original article. Thank you for your advice on this matter.

1 Answer to this question

The journal Data in Brief publishes research data that is either publicly available through a repository or directly in your Data in Brief article. Considering you are submitting the manuscript to an Elsevier medical journal, you can either select Yes or No to submit the data associated with your manuscript to Data in Brief. Selection of either choice does not affect the peer-review process of your manuscript.

Upon acceptance of your article in the journal of your choice, your supplemantary data will be sent directly to Data in Brief journal for subsequent publication. The data will then be peer-reviewed separately and then published. This is an ethical practice aimed towards expanding the use and reproducibility of data, and does not amount to a duplicate submission.

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