Infographic: Back to the basics: 10 lab safety rules that every scientist should follow

Back to the basics: 10 lab safety rules that every scientist should follow

A 2022 study of chemistry students in the US and India revealed several lapses in basic lab safety, despite 97% of the participants having received training on safety procedures.1  

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Although laboratories and institutions are responsible for ensuring lab safety, and there are lab safety regulations at the local, state, and federal levels, individual scientists also have a duty to promote a safety-conscious culture in the lab. This entails more than just complying with the rules; it requires a firm dedication to safeguarding oneself and others by working diligently, cautiously, and safely in the laboratory. The infographic below lists 10 basic yet important safety rules that every researcher needs to adhere to at all times.

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[1] Sonawane, S. et al. Evaluating and promoting chemical safety awareness in the chemical sciences. J. Chem. Educ. 100, 2, 469–478 (2023).

10 lab safety rules that every scientist should follow.pdf

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