Awareness and perception of publication ethics among researchers in China

The Editage Global Survey Report 2018 presented the views of authors worldwide on different aspects of academic publishing, including their level of awareness of issues related to publication ethics. Of the 6,903 global respondents in our survey, 2,114 were from China and accounted for largest demographic group (31%) among all respondents.
Since China has overtaken traditional western research-producing countries to become the world’s largest producer of research publications, we thought it might be interesting to take a look at how responses from China differed from the overall global responses on issues related to publication ethics.
The infographic below shows these differences in response patterns. We first compare the distribution of respondents by tenure and discipline and then compare their responses to questions about difficulty ensuring ethical compliance during manuscript preparation and about awareness of plagiarism and authorship criteria.
The global responses presented here include ALL the responses received in the survey (including those from China).
We invite you to review these patterns, reflect on them, and provide insightful comments on the differences!
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