

What reservations do authors have towards using open access journals? How do open access journals manage peer review quality? In this second segment of her interview, Dr…
In recent years, many journal editorial departments have begun to employ freelance editors rather than an exclusively in-house team. Although a freelance editing model…
Optimizing the output of a freelance editing model: Value added by an in-house reviewing team
This post discusses the article Why Open Access for Brazil (2008) by Alma Swan, which takes a deeper look at barriers that prevent Brazilian scientific research from…
Should Brazilian researchers be wary of open access?
Why is stem cell research surrounded by scandals and why do the controversies have serious implications on science? Dr. Xuejun Sun, experienced researcher and Associate…
Scandals galore in stem cell research: a fresh perspective
Where is the scholarly community headed with open access publishing and how sustainable is its economic model? Open access advocate and former President of the Open…
Understanding open access publishing and its chances for sustainability
China is the top annual producer of PhDs in the world today, having surpassed even the US since 2008. Despite the fact that post-graduate programs in China resumed only…
Dr. Sun Huh continues to discuss science editing in Korea in the second part of this interview by introducing important resources for science editors of Korean journals…
Vital resources and tips for science editors of Korean journals
The Fields Medal, which is officially known as International Medal for Outstanding Discoveries in Mathematics, is an esteemed award that is often described as the …
Congratulations to winners of the 2014 Fields Medal prize
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), a website that lists open access journals, has announced that all the journals listed in their directory will need to…
The STAP cell case with its controversies  has become a global media sensation.  The lead researcher, Dr. Haruko Obokata of RIKEN research institute in Japan, shot to…