
Research Paper Structure

What are the correct ways of including citations into the text of research papers? This article illustrates two ways of inserting citations into research papers…
How to include author-year citations into the text of research papers
P value is the most commonly reported statistic in research papers, and yet is widely misunderstood and misused. Recently, the American Statistical Association (ASA)…
Is my research significant? Why you shouldn't rely on p values
Authors are often disappointed when their manuscript is rejected after initial screening and are left wondering what was wrong with the paper and why it was not even…
In this article, Ashley Smith discusses the common areas of author confusion regarding figure guidelines and offers suggestions on how to simplify and clarify journal…
Common areas of author confusion regarding journal figure guidelines
Journals expect authors to disclose any form of writing assistance by acknowledging the writer's contribution. However, authors are sometimes reluctant to disclose…
"Why should I acknowledge writing assistance if I have paid for it?" A case study
A typical data table in a research paper is a matrix of rows and columns. This post describes how the row and column headings should amplify the table title.
Dr. Xuejun Sun is a world leading researcher in hydrogen and hyperbaric oxygen studies. He has published 200+ peer reviewed papers on the effects of oxygen, hydrogen,…
Evaluating research methodology, studying the literature, and innovating - Tips from an expert
Tables and figures are commonly used in research papers to supplement text. In this post, you'll find useful tips regarding how to phrase the titles, how to style or…
Quick tips on writing titles for tables and figures in scientific papers
The acknowledgements section is a way of publicly thanking people for their contribution to a study. However, we often find authors acknowledging people for personal…
Who should be included in the acknowledgements section: A case study
The article offers some suggestions on aspects of experimental research that are important, especially from the perspective of making the study reproducible. The…