
Planning to Write

If the idea of writing a research paper is making you anxious, this article is for you. Learn how you can make a dent in your writing project by creating the first draft…
Inaccurate usage of scientific and technical terms can give out the impression that you do not have in-depth knowledge of the subject.  Naturally, peer reviewers are…
Avoid these common errors in physical sciences terminology
Are you confused between some elements of a research paper? Do you often mistake one for another? This article lists some of the most commonly confused elements of a…
11 Commonly confused elements of a research paper
When it comes to academic publishing, typically, researchers think of publishing original articles, which form the bulk of primary research articles. The research that…
It is often daunting to write a good scientific manuscript that not only conveys your scientific accomplishments but also conveys them in a manner that is interesting…
5 Tips to improve your research article and make it reader-friendly
If you are looking for help in writing your research paper and want all the resources you need at one go, you've come to the right place! We have put together a curation…
Many authors consider lab work easier than writing a research paper. The main challenges they face while doing the latter include structuring the research paper and…
Our guest authors are passionate about research and its communication – so passionate that they turn into composers! Here’s a short poem on academic writing from one of…
You have been working hard on your research project for months and the data it has generated are promising. You feel now is the right time to start writing your first…
Prof. Ana Marušić is known for her work as a researcher, author, journal editor, and scholarly communications professional. She is Professor of Anatomy and Chair of the…