

Over 60 German academic institutions have annulled their subscription contract with Dutch publishing giant Elsevier, which will leave thousands of researchers without…
Barbara Gastel (BA, MD, MPH), coordinates the master's degree program in science and technology journalism at Texas A&M University. She has written three books…
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) is organizing a free seminar Good Researcher’s Guide to Publishing, which aims at providing guidance and support to…
IET to conduct a free seminar to address early career researchers' concerns
On December 8, publishing giant Elsevier announced the launch of a new metric CiteScore, a set of metrics that measure the quality of academic journals. At a time when…
Barbara Gastel (BA, MD, MPH), coordinates the master's degree program in science and technology journalism at Texas A&M University. She has written three books…
The library of National Taiwan University (NTU) published a notice on its website saying that from 2017, it planned to discontinue its subscriptions to Elsevier’s…
As authors, you are at the center of the academic publishing system. What according to you needs change about academic publishing? Take this survey to let us know:…
On 4 December, the Breakthrough Foundation honored physicists, life scientists, and mathematicians with the Breakthrough Prize worth $25 million for making significant…
Edgar Guevara is currently a CONACYT research fellow at CIACYT-UASLP and member of the Mexican National System of Researchers. He has been the technical specialist of a…
The John Maddox Prize for the year 2016 has been awarded to leading cognitive psychologist Professor Elizabeth Loftus at the University of California, Irvine, as "her…