

In honor of the 2017 Nobel Prize in Medicine, we thought it would be interesting to jolt our memories and look back at some of the other Nobel Laureates in Physiology or…
Three American researchers – Jeffrey C. Hall of the University of Maine, Michael Rosbash of Brandeis University, and Michael W. Young of Rockefeller University – have…
In this month’s round up, we have a mixed bag that includes the controversial redefinition of clinical trials, S-index, a great new metric that will measure how many…
The winners of the Nobel Prize 2017will soon be announced, and the air is rife with predictions and discussions. Are you as excited as we are?   
Which form of closed peer review do authors prefer – single-blind or double-blind review? A new large-scale study conducted by Nature Publishing Group (NPG) in London…
Here, I share some personal observations and thoughts while attending the Eighth International Congress on Peer Review and Scientific Publication in Chicago, which…
P value is the most commonly reported statistic in research papers, and is probably the most misunderstood and misused of all statistics. Now academics are divided on…
Editage Insights attended the 2017 Peer Review Congress and this is a report of the poster sessions from the last two days of the conference. The posters were…
The Ig Nobel Prizes honor “research that makes people laugh and then think.” Read on to know who were the winners of the prize for the year 2017 and what their curiosity…
Editage Insights is attending the 2017 Peer Review Congress and this is a report of some of the sessions from the third day of the conference. The sessions presented…