
Choosing a Journal

Quick facts about the journal Social Forces 
Quick facts about The American Journal of Psychiatry. 
The American Journal of Psychiatry: Quick facts and submission tips
Quick facts about the journal Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications
This article series has attempted to describe the unique role played by gastroenterology and stoma care nurses in the UK, and the
Gastrointestinal Nursing: A journal dedicated to research in gastroenterology and stoma care nursing
Everything you need to know to submit to the European Heart Journal.
If you are planning to get published and are looking for target journals, you should ensure that the journals are authentic. This article provides expert tips that will…
Get all the information you need to submit to the American Journal of Ophthalmology at a glance.
American Journal of Ophthalmology: Quick facts and submission tips
With the global increase in specialized research disciplines and collaborative research, interdisciplinary studies or those with overlapping subject areas are becoming…
Identifying target journals for studies with overlapping subject areas: A case study
Find answer to one of the most common questions researchers have - what does SCIE mean and how does it work?
What is SCIE in academic publishing?
Quick facts and tips for submitting your manuscript to the Diabetes journal