
Researchers and Their Stories

A year ago, I thought I knew what I wanted to do with my life. I had it all planned out. For years I knew what I wanted was to get my PhD, become a professor of…
They say your first lab rotation in graduate school is the hardest – you’re adjusting from an undergraduate to graduate student, you’re adjusting to potentially a new…
I started my PhD in good health. Several years in, I got ill. A cold morphed into labyrinthitis, which left me with long-term nerve damage in one ear, affecting my…
  • Guest Author
  • April 25, 2019
The second year of my PhD taught me that the 'mid-PhD' lull really exists. It has also suddenly dawned on me that I am actually doing a PhD, something that requires hard…
I started writing this story because I wanted to think about why I’m in this career and not a different one. I read an interesting article written by a personal trainer…
When I first started my PhD two years ago, I heard whispers about a so called “PhD slump.” About how in the middle of the PhD journey, people want to scream, and cry,…
The first year of my PhD taught me 7 important lessons. I learned that being passionate about a cause can sometimes be very exhausting, I easily began to understand why…
In our careers, we often carry around burdens that slow us down, but we keep carrying them because they’re not quite heavy enough to get our attention. And, one of the…
When I first starting blogging, I wrote a post about why I chose to start a PhD. I wrote this post when I was 6 months into my PhD and in the proposal stage of my…
Marriage is a constant learning experience. And so is life! One thing I love about my career is that I am constantly learning something new and look forward to that…