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Experts and KOLs from the scholarly publishing industry are voicing their opinions on climate research being open accessible to all. To explore how openness in science…
Dr Vrushali Dandawate, Librarian AISSMS College of Engineering, DOAJ Ambassador India, shares tips on how to find funding sources to cover APCs while publishing in open…
It was a joy to see the researcher community excitedly exchanging their thoughts and views on the theme of Peer Review Week 2022. A few researchers went out of their way…
Get ready to be a part of this year's Open Access Week (24-30 October, 2022) for an invaluable opportunity for researchers, journals, societies, and publishers to…
The final event of the Peer Review Week 2022 celebrations (Sep 19-23), powered by Editage and Researcher.Life,  was a panel discussion titled “Discussing research…
Over the years, authors have approached us when faced with problems or trickysituations relating to different aspects of peer review. In this downloadable handbook, we…
This downloadable handbook covers all the essential points you need for responding to peer review comments, framing an effective resubmission cover letter, and a few…
Peer reviewers shoulder the responsibility of pulishing valid, authentic, and high quality science. Doing it for the first time can be daunting. This downloadable…
This downloadable handbook will offer you some help by discussing your responsibilities as a reviewer toward journal editors, authors of the manuscript, readers of the…
Download this handbook to get useful tips that will help you in ensuring that your peer reviews are helpful and fair.