
Researchers and Their Stories

I had just entered the first few days of my PhD and was starting to feel super organised, getting on with my reading, making notes and…
Last summer, I was awarded tenure and it felt amazing. It was one of the proudest and most significant moments in my life thus far. After the warm and fuzzy feeling…
On New Year’s Eve, I received a call from my supervisor. He told me that, during a storm, my pigeon shed had flooded. All of my power boards and electrical cables were…
When I was younger, I thought research happened in white rooms. White walls, white floors, white benches, white coats. I imagined that everything in these rooms would be…
One of the most difficult things after the excavation was probably the dissolution of my support network. The archaeological team went through a lot together. After…
  • Guest Author
  • May 16, 2019
I started Honours bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, eager to begin some ‘real science’ with real-world implications. I also, however, was filled with small amounts of doubt…
  • Guest Author
  • May 16, 2019
Okay… so maybe regret isn’t the best word. But my year-long experience studying abroad ignited a flame of passion deep inside my veins. It sparked in me, an insatiable…
I often make a comprehensive to-do list, but I get scared to start things and complete them. When I make a list of things to do, all of a sudden, I get overwhelmed by…
  • Guest Author
  • May 16, 2019
My week started off with a trip to the ultrasound place. The moment the nurse put the wand onto my stomach, we looked up and saw that we were going to have a baby boy –…
I often feel like I need some super powers to conquer the daily life of a PhD student. I tend to think that I am just like anyone else i.e. a normal, average person…
  • Guest Author
  • May 16, 2019