
Conducting Research

This post offers a few tips on how to make Google searches more effective.
Make your Google searches more precise: A few tips for researchers
This article explains what an original article is and how you should go about writing one. It provides detailed guidance on every aspect of writing an original article -…
A young researcher's guide to writing an original research article
It is important to have a clear idea about the different types of articles that you can publish in journals. This will help you understand the ways in which you can…
Researchers use Google for a variety of purposes. This post presents some quick and effective tips that will help researchers to make their web searches more productive. 
3 Quick tips for researchers to make Google searches more effective
Big data has brought an unprecedented change in the way research is conducted in every scientific discipline. Although the availability of big data sets and the capacity…
In the field of health studies, qualitative research is often believed to lack scientific rigor and therefore less useful than empirical studies. To counter this…
5 Things to remember when reporting qualitative health research
What does the term "big data" mean? Why is it being considered as an additional paradigm to science? In the recent years, the availability of large volumes of data has…
Registration for clinical trials is a must for a study to be even considered for publication. Some journals follow the ICMJE guidelines for clinical trial registration…
What every medical researcher should know about registering clinical trials
This post provides some important tips researchers should bear in mind while writing engineering papers.
4 Must-dos when writing an engineering research paper
The article offers some suggestions on aspects of experimental research that are important, especially from the perspective of making the study reproducible. The…