
Researchers and Their Stories

This isn’t a story about careers and families and whether it’s possible to have both. This is about careers and other careers and having both. A while ago, a friend of…
  • Guest Author
  • May 22, 2019
Ever wondered what graduate students keep at their desk? Here, a PhD student will attempt to share with you the 20 most essential things he keeps at all times, at his…
  • Guest Author
  • May 22, 2019
What has your experience been so far with making friends in grad school? Do you have friends outside of your lab? Your department? Your program? My grad program is…
I went to the first meeting of my graduate student support group yesterday. It’s a themed support group that offers a place for graduate students to discuss their…
Lately I’ve been getting up really early and heading into lab a few hours before I normally would. Aside from the feeling dead part, it’s been pretty great. Having a few…
On October 2, 2014, after a 10-hour flight, I landed in the UK for the first time in my life. After another four hours of travelling, I finally reached my room in…
  • Guest Author
  • May 22, 2019
Many people are fairly aware of their future career paths by the time they graduate. Unfortunately, I was not one of these people. I am currently enrolled as a PhD…
  • Guest Author
  • May 21, 2019
I often get the “I don’t know how you do it all” comment from people. And the truth is, I really don’t either. I am exhausted.
I am struggling. And, until a few days ago, the fact that I was struggling – especially that I was visibly struggling – was making me struggle that much more. It was a…
Does anyone else get tired of hearing the question “So, what do you plan on doing with that?” whenever you tell them your academic plans? Being home for the holidays has…