
Conducting Research

We have heard of authors not being given credit for a work they have significantly contributed to. However, have you heard of any author who himself wishes to remain…
Publishing a research paper anonymously: A case study
The pressure to publish or perish can make authors desperate to increase their publication count. However, being tempted to divide a single study and publish it as…
Faced with negative results and a publication bias, authors sometimes resort to unethical means such as tweaking the data or changing the research question, in their…
Publication bias against negative results leads to author's distress: A case study
The role and definition of authorship in scientific and medical publishing has become increasingly complicated in recent years. With a proliferation of…
Richard Poynder is an independent journalist/blogger with a particular interest in open access and its perception and application across different sections of academia…
Editage conducted a  workshop focused on improving the writing skills of researchers in Brazil. The material for this workshop is available here.
GPP3 is published in September 2015. This Editage lecture was conducted by Dr. Elizabeth Wager. Dr. Wager. In this lecture, she explained the principles behind GPP,…
Using Good Publication Practice (GPP3) for publishing research
Dr. Tim Hunt is renowned for his work on cell cycle regulation for which he won the 2001 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine along with Dr. Lee Hartwell and Dr. Paul…
Submitting compelling and novel content to a journal is only one element in having an article accepted for publication. The presentation and organization of your…
The EQUATOR Network and research reporting guidelines: What does it mean for authors?
Perspectives, opinion pieces, and commentaries are some short scholarly article types that journals publish. This article explains what each of these articles includes,…