
Conducting Research

At the beginning of each scholarly article, beneath the title, is a list of the authors. We get so used to writing our name, together with the names of our co-authors…
The previous post explained the main duties of the corresponding author before a manuscript is submitted to the journal. This post talks about what a corresponding…
What corresponding authors are expected to do after journal submission
The role of a corresponding author is an important one in the publication process. This post gives you a brief idea of what it means to be a corresponding author of a…
With the evolving nature of the scholarly landscape, researchers now have access to many different tools to manage different aspects and stages of their workflow and…
In evidence-based medicine, statistical information is critical for investigators to interpret observations and make treatment recommendations. A dichotomous way of…
Linking statistical significance to clinical importance of trial data: A paradigm shift
Over the last few years, numerous digital tools have made their way into the scholarly world to help researchers juggle with the multiple roles they have to play. This…
A young researcher's guide to digital tools for literature search and reference management
Conducting a literature review is an essential part of getting a manuscript publication-ready. But you may sometimes find that there aren’t too many journal articles in…
As the volume of scientific publishing is increasing, so is the competitive pressure to get published. The extreme competition in academia and the immense pressure to…
This article includes pointers to help you pay attention to those details that often escape attention and avoid some obvious errors when intending to publish scientific…
As an author, you want to get published in the right journal by the right editor. Terry Monahan, Managing Editor of the journal Eye and Contact Lens shares her top…