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Getting the citations and references right can be tricky—most researchers also consider it trivial. However, journals insist that authors follow the style recommended…
Few books come this close to providing sound advice on the intricacies of the publishing game as What Editors Want: an author’s guide to scientific journal publishing
What Editors Want: advice on winning the publishing game
There are some common criteria you should consider when choosing a journal to publish in. Once you have a publication strategy in place, choose journals that meet all of…
How to choose journals for submitting your paper
Follow a structured search strategy to make sure you don’t overlook relevant and similar publications. Sign up for alerts to keep up with newly published papers.
Tips for effective literature searching and keeping up with new publications
Tables and figures are used in research papers to effectively present detailed results and complex relationships, reduce the length of the manuscript, and enhance…
Tips on effective use of tables and figures in research papers
The peer review process for journal publication is essentially a quality control mechanism. It is a process by which experts evaluate scholarly works, and its objective…
Peer review process and editorial decision making at journals
This article delves a little deeper into the fallacies of the impact factor and points that you should consider when using it.
Why you should not use the journal impact factor to evaluate research
How can you measure the quality of a research paper? More importantly, how can you determine whether your research is making an impact and is considered important? An…
Using citation analysis to measure research impact
In recent years, many research groups have been working independently to develop metrics that measure the impact of published research. The journal impact factor is a…
How citation metrics can help you benchmark your research impact
So you’ve completed your study and published your paper in the journal of your choice. Now you want to make your paper accessible to more and more readers within and…