
Conducting Research

When it comes to academic publishing, typically, researchers think of publishing original articles, which form the bulk of primary research articles. The research that…
A journal editor discovers an overlap between one of his journal’s published articles and two other articles published in different journals. The editor suspects that…
How a journal editor deals with salami slicing: A case study
Research can be broadly classified into two categories, qualitative research and quantitative research. Quantitative research answers questions like "how much," while…
Types of qualitative research methods
When conducting literature search, do you feel uncertain about a source’s authenticity and credibility? In this article, we focus on identifying ‘scholarly’ sources for…
It is often daunting to write a good scientific manuscript that not only conveys your scientific accomplishments but also conveys them in a manner that is interesting…
5 Tips to improve your research article and make it reader-friendly
An author’s degree of contribution to a study can sometimes be identified by the order in which the names appear in the byline of the publication, but it is usually very…
How journals are using CRediT to capture author contributions in Editorial Manager
If you are looking for help in writing your research paper and want all the resources you need at one go, you've come to the right place! We have put together a curation…
Many authors consider lab work easier than writing a research paper. The main challenges they face while doing the latter include structuring the research paper and…
Our guest authors are passionate about research and its communication – so passionate that they turn into composers! Here’s a short poem on academic writing from one of…
Although statistics is one of the primary tools of biomedical research, its misuse and abuse, whether intentional or unintentional, is widespread. It is, in fact,…