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Jeffrey Beall summarizes his opinions related to an interesting session titled "Understanding Contributor Roles in Scholarly Publications" held at the SSP 2014 meeting. 
Moving from Authorship to "Contributorship" in Scholarly Publications: An SSP 2014 session - (Events)
Although the Acknowledgments section of a research paper is perhaps the easiest to write, this simple exercise can prove difficult. This post offers you some helpful…
In this second part of our interview, Dr. Hames discusses how the journal editorial process has evolved over the years, the dissatisfaction with the traditional peer…
Martin McCarvill holds a master’s degree in linguistics and has an experience of over seven years in academic writing, editing, and reviewing.
"A good English paper is the one that knows what it’s trying to achieve and how to do so."
Journal decision making is complex and involves multiple layers of screening. Peer review is an extremely crucial part of this process, one on which the journal's…
Answers to questions all researchers have about the journal decision-making process
Case: The study proposed a new wound healing technique and involved needle puncture on patients from two medical centers. It was mentioned in the paper that an…
Case study: The need for informed consent
"Many journals are not only seeing more problems, the cases also seem to be becoming more complex." Dr. Hames discusses how current ethical issues across the…
Publication ethics problems don't spare any discipline
Manuscript writing requires authors to take into account subtle differences in language usage. In keeping with this, the author of this article explains how the terms …
Scientific writing: Difference in meaning of "about," "around," and "approximately"
Many early career researchers and students are often baffled about the role of peer review and what it entails. This article covers the basics of the peer review system…
We are familiar with the concept of "edition" in published books but what about scholarly articles? Jeffrey Beall reports his observations of a panel presentation…