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Indeed, China’s academic publishing industry is thriving, offering its scholars thousands of journals to publish in. However, when benchmarked against journals from…
Six African researchers working for the Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI)-Wellcome Trust Research Programme pressed charges against the institute for…
This article presents the case of one of our clients who we helped create an effective manuscript by assisting in the creation of graphs. Read on to understand how and…
Effective data presentation increases research impact
What does conflict of interest mean? This article also explains why such conflicts arise and how they can be avoided.
How to identify and deal with conflicts of interest in research publication
Euan Adie is founder and CEO of London-based start-up Altmetric, which tracks online activity relating to scholarly literature. Altmetric was founded in 2011, emerging…
Information at a glance for authors interested in submitting their manuscript to the Environmental Health Perspectives journal.
Highlights the case of a "reviewing ring" that eventually led to as many as 60 papers being retracted and offers a few tips on being alert to the possible misuse of a…
President of the European Association of Science Editors, Dr. Joan Marsh, speaks about resources for the development of editors.
How can science editors keep up with the industry's rapid evolution? Easier than you think!
The sphere of scientific communication is dominated by English. Even though ESL (English-as-a-second-language) authors may have conducted groundbreaking research and…
In this part of our video interview, Dr. John Willinsky talks about the inequity of access to research in certain parts of the world and how digital publishing and open…