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Dr. Sun Huh continues to discuss science editing in Korea in the second part of this interview by introducing important resources for science editors of Korean journals…
Vital resources and tips for science editors of Korean journals
Protecting the identity of enrolled patients is of utmost importance in clinical studies. However, sometimes, if the study involves facial features, it can be difficult…
Protecting the identity of enrolled subjects in case reports and clinical trials
The Fields Medal, which is officially known as International Medal for Outstanding Discoveries in Mathematics, is an esteemed award that is often described as the …
Congratulations to winners of the 2014 Fields Medal prize
The Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), a website that lists open access journals, has announced that all the journals listed in their directory will need to…
The STAP cell case with its controversies  has become a global media sensation.  The lead researcher, Dr. Haruko Obokata of RIKEN research institute in Japan, shot to…
STAP case takes a shocking turn with Yoshiki Sasai's death
The development of science in Korea also brings the expansion of scientific journals, editing, and databases. Korea R&D budget ranks high among other OECD …
Current challenges of the scientific publishing community in Korea
Find answer to one of the most common questions researchers have - what does SCIE mean and how does it work?
What is SCIE in academic publishing?
Quick facts and tips for submitting your manuscript to the Diabetes journal
Public investment into scientific R&D has plateaued across the world, and this transition seems to have affected basic research the most. It it were the year 1960…
China is emerging as one of the leaders in global scientific output and research. But what about the current quality of Chinese journals and is it related to a…