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Retraction is one of the most widely discussed topics in the publication industry, and authors should be aware of its implications.
What every researcher should know about retraction
With the global increase in specialized research disciplines and collaborative research, interdisciplinary studies or those with overlapping subject areas are becoming…
Identifying target journals for studies with overlapping subject areas: A case study
Every author wants to see their paper published. However, even papers with novel and path breaking findings might face rejection due to basic mistakes in manuscript…
5 Basic mistakes in manuscript writing that can lead to rejection
This post discusses the article Why Open Access for Brazil (2008) by Alma Swan, which takes a deeper look at barriers that prevent Brazilian scientific research from…
Should Brazilian researchers be wary of open access?
Why is stem cell research surrounded by scandals and why do the controversies have serious implications on science? Dr. Xuejun Sun, experienced researcher and Associate…
Scandals galore in stem cell research: a fresh perspective
Where is the scholarly community headed with open access publishing and how sustainable is its economic model? Open access advocate and former President of the Open…
Understanding open access publishing and its chances for sustainability
This post emphasizes the need to confirm that all the sources that are being cited are credible in order to avoid misrepresenting the facts from cited sources.
What is an author's responsibility while citing sources?
Literature reading is critical to scientific research because this habit will generate a sense of appreciation and passion for science. Read this article for expert…
Expert advice on reading scientific literature as a habit
China is the top annual producer of PhDs in the world today, having surpassed even the US since 2008. Despite the fact that post-graduate programs in China resumed only…
ESL researchers who do not have the luxury of spending time writing in English and grappling with the nuances of the language can benefit considerably from translation…