
Industry News

Just about two weeks to go for the 2018 Asian-Pacific conference of the International Society of Managing and Technical Editors (ISMTE), and we sure are looking forward…
Sci-Hub, the site that provides free access to pirated academic papers, hit a bumpy road last year when it was ordered to pay damages worth $15 million to Elsevier and…
The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) announced earlier this month that it plans to discontinue the PubMed Commons service from February 15, 2018 due to low…
According to 2018 Science & Engineering Indicators, a report published by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), China has left the U.S. behind to become the…
A consortium of 300 South Korean universities and college libraries has reached an agreement with publishing giant Elsevier after long negotiations and a series of…
EuroScience and Editage announced partnership wherein Editage will provide the winners of the European Young Researchers Awards with a package of support services aimed…
On Dec 21, Elsevier announced that it is in the process of retracting 26 papers across six of its journals due to peer review manipulation and authorship irregularities…
The US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has decided to reverse net neutrality in the country. This means that going forward, Internet service providers can…
On December 3, researchers discarded their work clothes for party wear as they attended the annual presentation of the Breakthrough Prizes, also known as the “Oscars of…
A group of 75 Nobel Laureates has signed an open letter addressed to the Iranian government, protesting the death sentence of an Iranian researcher. Ahmadreza Djalali…