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In research manuscripts, tables are used to present numerical data, summarize existing literature, present survey questions, or indicate similarities or differences…
6 Tips for preparing effective tables for a research manuscript
Tables and figures play a critical role in enhancing the overall quality and impact of a research manuscript. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the tables and…
6 Easy guidelines for preparing tables and figures for a research manuscript
One of the most difficult aspects of research manuscript preparation is deciding whether your findings should be presented through tables, figures, or text. The tips…
Tables and figures are essential components of a research paper. Even before you begin preparing tables and figures for your research manuscript, it is essential for you…
Over the years in Brazil, open access has emerged as a favorable solution to help increase the visibility of Brazilian researchers in the global research arena, and the…
SciELO – Making open access in Brazil an exciting reality
Plagiarism is often one of the commonly cited reasons behind retraction of scientific papers. However, should plagiarism in any form necessarily result in journal…
Should plagiarism lead to retraction in all circumstances?
Dr. Caroline Sutton is an active expert on open access publishing and Co-Founder of Co-Action Publishing. She is also Director at Infrastructure Services for Open Access…
What reservations do authors have towards using open access journals? How do open access journals manage peer review quality? In this second segment of her interview, Dr…
In recent years, many journal editorial departments have begun to employ freelance editors rather than an exclusively in-house team. Although a freelance editing model…
Get all the information you need to submit to the American Journal of Ophthalmology at a glance.