
Literature Search

This article explores five of the most popular tools that researchers are leveraging within Meta Science to stay on top of their research, collaborate with their peers,…
Every researcher conducts a literature search to ensure that the topic he or she has chosen to work on has not been published earlier. But what happens if, after…
Inadequate literature review makes an author's research redundant: A case study
Many journals publish literature reviews as standalone articles. Literature reviews, along with systematic reviews and meta-analyses come under the broad category of…
This post offers a few tips on how to make Google searches more effective.
Researchers use Google for a variety of purposes. This post presents some quick and effective tips that will help researchers to make their web searches more productive. 
3 Quick tips for researchers to make Google searches more effective
Literature reading is critical to scientific research because this habit will generate a sense of appreciation and passion for science. Read this article for expert…
We are familiar with the concept of "edition" in published books but what about scholarly articles? Jeffrey Beall reports his observations of a panel presentation…
New CrossMark service alerts readers to changes in published scholarly works: Highlights from a session at SSP 2014
Tired of all those irrelevant hits you get when you search for a term in an online search engine? In this post, I'll share three simple yet effective ways to ensure that…
How to make Web searches more precise
Follow a structured search strategy to make sure you don’t overlook relevant and similar publications. Sign up for alerts to keep up with newly published papers.