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A rise in academic misconduct over the past few years have made editors and reviewers extra vigilant. However, this can sometimes backfire, as revealed in this case…
Richard Poynder is an independent journalist/blogger with a particular interest in open access and its perception and application across different sections of academia…
We should persuade scientists to reimagine their relationship with the public
Why it is important to fomat headings clearly and consistently? This post explains how appropriately formatting the headings increases the readability and clarity of the…
Tips on using major headings, subheadings, minor headings in research papers
As researchers publish more papers, their credibility as authors builds up, and they start getting invitations from editors to review papers. However, authors receiving…
Academic freedom has become a hot topic of discussion among Russian scientists as a recent amendment in law by the Russian government states that research manuscripts…
The scientific community is steadily moving toward open science. Even publishers are joining this “open” trend. China, being the country with the second largest research…
Richard Poynder is an independent journalist/blogger with a particular interest in open access and its perception and application across different sections of academia…
Richard Poynder is an independent journalist/blogger with a particular interest in open access and its perception and application across different sections of academia…
Richard Poynder is an independent journalist/blogger with a particular interest in open access and its perception and application across different sections of academia…
This case study taken from The Evolution of Impact Indicators: From bibliometrics to altmetrics, a free ebook co-produced by Scholastica and Altmetric, explains how a…