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Peer review is considered by most scholars to be a reliable method of evaluating research qualitatively. But what are the perspectives of authors, peer reivewers, and…
The richest award in science, the Breakthrough Prize, was presented on October 8 to researchers belonging to the fields of physics, life sciences, and mathematics. This…
Professor Linqi Zhang - Chair, Department of Basic Medical Sciences and Comprehensive Aids Research Center at Tsinghua University, China - is very passionate about HIV…
The controversial Human Brain Project (HBP) has secured funding from the European Commission, the executive body of the European Union, for the next three years that…
Controversial Human Brain Project secures 3-year European Commission funding
As the focus of research is shifting to resolving challenges such as climate change, food and water crisis, research is transcending the boundaries of disciplines. But…
As a preventive measure against plagiarism and instances of fake peer reviews, DNA and Cell Biology will impose a 3-year ban on any author who submits plagiarized…
Jennifer Deyton writes about the changes and growth J&J Editorial has experienced over the past several years and describes the challenges and benefits of finding a…
You've put your research out into the world. Now it's time to sit back (or more likely, to start working on your next project!) and wait for signs of your newly…
A guide to understanding the evolution of impact indicators and article level metrics
Even though you wrote and edited your manuscript, did you know that once you submit it to a journal for publication and the journal accepts your paper, the journal owns…
October was an exciting month and we had so much to read about!  We closely followed the 2015 International Open Access Week, the debate on the ethics of stem cell…