
Career Growth

Impact factors, the h-index, and other measures of assessing research journals and researchers are all based on citations. The basic logic is simple: if other…
Here's a list of prestigious grants that are awarded to Chinese researchers every year. This list includes a special grant for researchers who have studied in the UK and…
Funding available for Chinese scholars
Funding is indeed a big problem for scientists these days. Increased competition coupled with diminishing federal research has made it very difficult for university…
New strategies to obtain funding
A poster presentation is the perfect opportunity for you to highlight the importance of your research for people attending the conference. Posters are like billboards…
How to create the perfect poster
Conferences offer researchers a great opportunity to make numerous professional connections. If you wish to make the most of these conferences, read this article that…
Making connections at international conferences
Do you want to improve your grant-writing skills and increase your chances of getting funded? This article provides effective strategies to create an effective and…
10 Tips on how to write an effective research grant proposal
Have you often wondered how your research activities and achievements can be distinguished from those of other researchers with similar names? If your name appears as …