
Researchers and Their Stories

Lately, my Master’s has started to feel more real than ever before. I am putting the teeny pieces together, and it’s like a gazillion-piece jigsaw puzzle! I’ve realized…
Launching into Honours, I had a few preconceived ideas of what it would be like. However, it was only until I started experiencing Honours first hand, that I realized I…
  • Guest Author
  • June 5, 2019
On July 1, I entered a new phase in my academic career - I officially became an Associate Professor with tenure. Tenure at my institution occurs at an accelerated pace;…
I left academia a bit over a year ago and I now work as an R&D scientist in a company. Recently, my new PI asked me what people outside of academia do in a random…
  • Guest Author
  • June 5, 2019
I'd like to start with a confession: I didn’t write the Most Awesome Thesis Ever Written, even though I wanted to. I got some things wrong in my thesis, and I didn’t…
Recently I found that the more data I’m collecting for my project, the more ‘wrong’ my hypothesis is looking. And when I say ‘wrong,’ I mean we were completely on the…
The time during my fieldwork was both the best and the worst times of my academic journey. I also learned several lessons along the way. To rekindle my own passion for…
I finally finished the corrections to my final draft and got the thumbs up from my supervisor. Every postgrad student will agree - this is a really painful experience. I…
I think that PhDs are funny things. You have a lot more time than you think, but also less time than you thought. It takes a long while to adjust to this concept, and to…
When I started graduate school, the Director of Graduate Studies explained to me and my fellow first-years that the key determinant of PhD success is not brain power but…