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Tim Vines is the Ex-Managing Editor and Founder of Axios Review (now defunct), an independent review organization. Following a PhD in Evolutionary Biology from the…
The Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC) and the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) have organized a seminar with the aim of examining…
ALPSP & Digital Preservation Coalition's seminar to discuss research data preservation
What happens to a manuscript once it is submitted to a journal? This article, written by an experienced journal editor, throws light on what exactly the role of the…
In an effort to put a stop to the current Zika virus outbreak, some leading academic journals, health bodies, research funders, and research institutions have signed a…
Globally, science and technology is making great strides. Remarkably, developing nations are fast catching up with the developed nations in terms of R&D investment,…
Amgen, an American multinational biopharmaceutical company headquartered in California, announced in a press release that it will publish three studies that failed to…
Amgen to publish negative results to improve science's self-correcting nature
With the evolving digital media landsape, scientific communication is changing to adapt to the needs of a new age audience. Graphical and video abstracts are fast…
The first month of 2016 was buzzing with a lot of activity on the scholarly communications front. To help you stay on top of the happenings in the academic publishing…
Time and again, the media has been accused of distorting the image of science. But is bad journalism the only reason behind the mistrust in and misrepresentation of…
Who's responsible for misrepresenting science – media or journals?
How serious is an erratum, expression of concern, or a retraction? They should all be avoided as they do not reflect well on your research if it needs to be corrected or…