
Publication Planning

Conducting a literature review is an essential part of getting a manuscript publication-ready. But you may sometimes find that there aren’t too many journal articles in…
As the volume of scientific publishing is increasing, so is the competitive pressure to get published. The extreme competition in academia and the immense pressure to…
This article includes pointers to help you pay attention to those details that often escape attention and avoid some obvious errors when intending to publish scientific…
As an author, you want to get published in the right journal by the right editor. Terry Monahan, Managing Editor of the journal Eye and Contact Lens shares her top…
Barbara Gastel (BA, MD, MPH), coordinates the master's degree program in science and technology journalism at Texas A&M University. She has written three books…
This online course titled Avoid Retractions: Publish Ethically is an effort to provide guided learning on ethics in a simple and systematic manner allowing…
This article explores five of the most popular tools that researchers are leveraging within Meta Science to stay on top of their research, collaborate with their peers,…
Using Meta Science to streamline researcher workflow systems: A step-by-step guide
The ethics of research in traditional medicine have recently been hotly debated. This post helps authors understand the ethical principles governing publication in…
6 Critical ethical principles associated with research in traditional medicine
A thesis and a journal article are two different sub-genres of academic writing. This article explains the difference between the two and provides tips on how you can…
Tips on rewriting your thesis as a journal article
Aspiring scholars rightly recognize publication of their first peer-reviewed paper as a critical career milestone. It signals active engagement with the discourse in a…