
Journal Selection

Few books come this close to providing sound advice on the intricacies of the publishing game as What Editors Want: an author’s guide to scientific journal publishing
What Editors Want: advice on winning the publishing game
There are some common criteria you should consider when choosing a journal to publish in. Once you have a publication strategy in place, choose journals that meet all of…
How to choose journals for submitting your paper
This article delves a little deeper into the fallacies of the impact factor and points that you should consider when using it.
Why you should not use the journal impact factor to evaluate research
All researchers have heard about the impact factor. Read to learn what you may not know about the impact factor. Other measures of journal quality are now available as…
The impact factor and other measures of journal prestige
The increasing popularity of open access has made it easy for individuals to set up bogus journals that guarantee publication but charge steep article-processing fees…
Although the impact factor is the oldest and, arguably, the most widely used citation metric, it has lost some of its former glory. In recent years, the impact factor…
With new open access journals entering the publication space every day, all with highly varied article-processing charges, how do you determine whether you’re really…