
Journal Selection

Quick facts and tips for submitting your manuscript to the Diabetes journal
Information at a glance for authors interested in submitting their manuscript to the Environmental Health Perspectives journal.
Environmental Health Perspectives: Quick facts and tips for submitting to this journal
Learn about the submission requirements and author instructiions of the Radiology journal.
The open access (OA) movement is gaining worldwide consensus as more and more countries are joining the effort to make research freely available.
Open access: A global movement
Learn about the journal Organization Science in this brief profile of key facts, requirements, and suggested links.
Organization Science journal: Quick facts and submission tips
Learn about the journal Cell in this brief profile of key facts, requirements, and suggested links.
Cell journal: Quick facts and submission tips
Just as the impact factor of a journal is one measure of the journal’s standing, prestige, or impact, the h-index is a measure of a scientist’s impact. This article…
What is the 'h-index'?
Learn about the Academy of Management Journal in this brief profile of key facts, requirements, and suggested links. 
Academy of Management Journal: Quick facts and submission tips
Most journals use acceptance or rejection rates to analyze whether the number of papers that they are rejecting or accepting is too high and to monitor any unusual…
Few books come this close to providing sound advice on the intricacies of the publishing game as What Editors Want: an author’s guide to scientific journal publishing