

This article discusses tips for journal editors who are non-native English speakers and interested in transitioning their journal from a regional language to English. 
Publishing a journal in English: tips for journal editors who are non-native English speakers
ORCID garners support from leading members of the academic community. Some regions are planning for national-level adoption. Laurel Haak discusses how ORCID is creating…
As we wait for the final verdict on the STAP case, one thing is certain: when it comes to life outside the lab, the principles of scientific thinking become hazy. 
Recent groundbreaking papers published in Nature on January 29, 2014 by stem-cell biologists have created a media storm for three reasons: confusion over non…
The STAP story so far
Poor English can delay the publication of research. A recent article in New Scientist, a British weekly science magazine, mentions that poor English “is another fac
As noted in my previous post, a handful of the STAP authors from RIKEN have issued a protocol exchange document detailing ‘essential technical tips’ to reproduce STAP…
The STAP stem cells situation, as I write this down, represents a can of worms whose lid has been pried open by scores of scholarly commentators, most of them active…
Spotting ethical misconduct in scholarly research: The STAP case
Belgian astronomer, Dr. Christiaan Sterken, Guest Professor at Department of Physics (University of Brussels), Emeritus Research Director at the Belgian Fund for…
The by-products of scientometrics include citation indexes and impact factors, the most widely known being the journal impact factor. The convenience of having a simple…
A stand against the misuse of citation metrics
"As the number of scientists conducting research has reached unforeseen heights, it appears that the quality of conducted and published research has reached new lows."…